Sunday, August 21, 2011

14 down, 16 to go. (Progressive Field-Cleveland)

Well hello there!

The last park I went to see was Cleveland. It was a pretty cool park, the fans were into it, the scoreboard was nice. The food was just ok. They have a cool Indians hall of fame where you definitely get a sense of the long and distinguished Indians history. If I sound a little ho-hum, it's because I strongly dislike Ohio. That comes from my ex being from Ohio, and me graduating from the University of Miami and being in the marching band and being in the stands in the 2003 Fiesta Bowl and watching a national championship being stolen from us.

But I digress...

Progressive Field was pretty nice.

(I still have Cincinnati to go, so I have to venture into Ohio one more time...)

This may be the last one of the year, I'm playing with the idea of making one more trip before the season ends, we'll see. If it is, I'll still try to post some fun things here in the winter.

Adios for now!