Sunday, May 14, 2017

30 down, 1 to go. (Oakland Coliseum)

First a little housekeeping. I got tangled up on the count, then looked back and saw that I didn't count Marlins Park as a ballpark down. So, I'm switching up the rules and counting that one retroactively and then adding in this Oakland report. So at the time that I took in an Oakland game, that was my 30th ballpark down and I had one left to go at that time because Atlanta wasn't open yet.


I flew out to Oakland to take in a game a little while back. Yes, the stadium is crap, but it's Oakland's piece of crap. The city takes great pride in its team and I can't wait for the fans to get the stadium that they and the team deserve. Hopefully now that the Raiders are in don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out mode, this year is the rumor when the new ballpark plans will come out.

The stadium really befits everything that the city is about. It's down and out, but it's theirs, and it's kept up as much as a 50 year old concrete bowl can be. The ambiance is one of the best in the majors, and it's a great feel to take in a game.

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