Saturday, September 8, 2012

16 down, 14 to go. (Nationals Park-Washington DC)

Hello again!

So this past Labor Day, I figured, I don't get a 3 day weekend very often, I might as well do something fun, so I picked up and went to DC. It's an awesome place, I saw a ton of sights, but there are enough things to do there to keep you busy for many moons.

Of course I made it to Nationals Park, which is really a cool place. It's right by the Metro, in an area called the Navy Yard, which has been recently revitalized by the park. When you get in, you can't help but notice the wide variety of food (oh yeah, and the field is great.) I particularly recommend the strawberry smoothies. I also had a wickedly delicious crab cake sandwich. See?

The game itself was pretty entertaining, Strasburg pitched well, the Nats beat the Cardinals, Teddy Roosevelt lost the race, and I almost had my head taken off by a foul ball. All in all, highly recommended. Pictorial evidence follows. 

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